Lise Vaugeois MPP, Thunder Bay–Superior North

Government of Ontario

On International Women’s Day, Ford again refuses to declare intimate partner violence an epidemic

Published on March 8, 2023

QUEEN’S PARK – MPP Kristyn Wong-Tam (Toronto Centre) released the following statement after the Ford Conservatives once again ignored their call to honour the Renfrew Inquest recommendations and declare intimate partner violence an epidemic:

“It’s been more than seven years since three women were brutally murdered in and around Renfrew County as the result of intimate partner violence. And almost one full year since the Renfrew Inquiry released 86 recommendations – 68 under provincial jurisdiction – that the government could adopt to prevent intimate partner violence against women in Ontario.

One of those recommendations is a simple call – to underscore the seriousness and frequency of femicide and declare intimate partner violence an epidemic.

In February, I asked Ford to implement these recommendations. His government refused.

Today, in honour of International Women’s Day, I asked the Ford government once again – would they respect the recommendations of the Renfrew Inquest and declare intimate partner violence an epidemic in this province?

Once again they refused.

I don’t know why Ford is refusing to listen to advocates for women’s safety and justice. The Ontario NDP are listening, and we will continue to bring forward common-sense solutions to make Ontario a safer and more equitable place for women and gender-diverse people.”