TORONTO – The Ontario NDP has officially brought forward the leadership confirmation vote for Marit Stiles to February 4, following a meeting of the party’s Provincial Council on Thursday.
“Marit Stiles is a principled and committed fighter for Ontario families. Under her leadership, we can resist Ford’s agenda of cuts and privatization, and get to work building a movement that will win more for working people and their families,” said Ontario NDP President Janelle Brady. “Ontario needs a strong NDP, and with Marit as our new leader we’ll be stronger than ever. We’ll grow our movement, build capacity in every community and offer people hope for the future.”
As detailed in the Ontario NDP constitution and leadership race rules, the confirmation vote will be a simple majority, conducted in a one-member-one-vote system weighted to 75 per cent; and votes from affiliate organizations weighted to 25 per cent. Stiles would immediately assume leadership following a successful vote.