QUEEN’S PARK – Leader of the Official Opposition Marit Stiles (Davenport) and MPP Jill Andrew (Toronto—St. Paul’s), the NDP Critic for Women’s Social and Economic Opportunities released the following statement to mark International Women’s Day:
“Today is an important day in the year’s calendar to take a moment and celebrate all the women and gender-diverse people in our lives,” said Stiles.
“Women juggle so much – from work, home, navigating their safety, ambition, and children. When I look at the NDP Caucus, I feel proud of the achievements of our women and gender-diverse MPPs, who turn up and ask for more and better for their communities. Our Caucus is just a small glimpse into how high women can go when given the opportunity to be themselves and grow.
“But, Ontario and Canada still have long ways to go to gain equity for all women and gender-diverse people, in particularly and especially for Black, Indigenous and Women of Colour siblings, who are paid less than women who have not been historically made marginalized, and continue to struggle against systemic racism on a daily basis. Until we have won better pay, better living conditions, secured BIPOC women affordable housing and risen them out of poverty, we cannot say that women have made it in this province.”
“There has been progress made to increase the visibility of women in the workforce, but we have a long ways to go before we can say that cis, trans and non-binary women of all backgrounds are supported. This is especially true for single parents, disproportionately women, navigating the demands of work alongside often unbearable childcare costs. They should never have to choose between their career and parenting,” said Andrew.
“Furthermore, this government needs to stop fighting health care and education workers – who are mostly BIPOC women – and give them competitive pay and build safe and supportive working environments. The NDP stood shoulder to shoulder with education workers pushing back against Doug Ford’s anti-strike legislation. And we won against the government’s attempt to suppress the wages of education workers. Today, we stand with our nurses. We will keep marching forward till all women get a government they deserve – one that will make life easier for them, and remove barriers and injustices.”
“On International Women's Day, however, we celebrate all the women who came before us, paving the way for us to be here today, and all the women who will come after us,” said Stiles and Andrew.
“Today, we ask each and every cis, trans and non-binary woman in this province, country and world to pat themselves on the back, give themselves a hug and feel proud for who they are, and everything that they do.”